Growing populations pitched against declining resources and deteriorating environmental health has become a global challenge. In Australia land laid bare each year through burning contributes to the dehydration of landscapes, soil-loss and is a threat to biodiversity.
These damaging processes began with the arrival of humans to this continent thousands of years ago. In modern times we have witnessed an escalation. It is the primary job of herbivores to keep vegetation healthy. Predator-prey connections have been impaired and remaining herbivores in Australian landscapes have largely lost their functional roles.
Unhealthy vegetation means less energy for soil-organisms, soil-loss and loss of life in the the soil. Less life in the soil reduces the water holding capacity of soil. Such trends lead to erosion and desertification.
The cycle of flood - fire - drought becomes more extreme the longer we wait.
Restorative management increases life in and on the soil, this helps us better capture and store water in the landscape.
Increasing the effectiveness of rainfall with ground cover
Grassroots Input to Environmental Debates - Reflections at the end of 2016
Is This Snake-Oil? - Article by Chris Henggeler, Kachana Pastoral Company
Walter Jehne: The Natural History of Water on Earth (25 minutes)